📄️ Installation
Thank you for choosing Orchesty for your project. The installation is simple, we can handle it in few steps.
📄️ Architecture
Orchesty is a microservice platform whose individual services run in a virtualized environment of Docker containers.
📄️ Integration
The orchestration layer deals with where data goes and under what conditions, while the integration layer deals with communication between services and the orchestration layer. It enables the building of integration process components, such as connectors, data transformations, or filters.
📄️ Orchestration
The orchestration of integrated services is handled by the orchestration layer. This layer provides us with a number of tools and features, as we will show in our tutorials and in documentation. In summary, the orchestration layer controls and manages the processes between the integrated services.
📄️ Admin
Orchesty Admin is a user interface that is used for modeling and managing topologies, monitoring processes, or authorizing and configuring applications. Admin is available at
📄️ SDK
Orchesty SDK packages belong to the integration layer. They have 2 key functions:
📄️ Orchesty Store
Orchesty Store is one of the freely available Orchesty extensions. It is a collection of ready-made applications and connectors that can be easily modified and extended. Orchesty Store is a library, created using the SDK. In the same way, we can create our own collections and use them across our projects. We'll learn how to build new apps and connectors in our tutorials.